Satire, it's the new black.

Monday, December 13, 2004

The Friday

Friday was a great day. After skipping out of work early, I went to the movies with Greg and Greg the monkey twins. We saw Blade 3. Now, if you haven't heard about this flick, I assure you that the two jumbo sized beers we each downed while watching Snipes kill the goofiest Dracula ever committed to celluloid was the bare minimum... my recommendation is to go for hard alcohol and hit it early. Since we all agreed that the retinal damage needed further alcoholic salve, we hit the pub and started in on a few pints. GHo went home early to get ready for a party and then GHa went home to see his family. Me, well, I stayed on and kept drinking and hanging out with the wait staff. After a while discussing family disfunction with my favorite Russian, I beat it and went back home. I ate some dinner and changed my shirt when GHo calls and tells me the room number for the after-party. Luckily I'm only 8 minutes away, so I veered over to the the hotel and hooked up with some old work buddies and started on the Martini course. After hanging out with them for a few bad songs at the hotel bar, we hit it back to the room quickly moved onto the Cosmopolitans. Finally, we hit the Mohitos for dessert. The evening went Surprisingly well considering the warm and fuzzy feeling I had been nursing for almost 12 hours. By well, nobody slapped me in the face and called me an asshole. In fact, by all accounts I was not acting badly at all. Too bad I wasn't really there to be a valid witness. I was, however, pleasantly surprised by GHo's date (let me be specific -- I was surprised there was one) and went home without incident. Until today when I got the "you need to spend more time in the office" speech by my new boss.


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