Satire, it's the new black.

Saturday, December 27, 2003

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas
I know it's not exactly PC to use the term Christmas... We're supposed to say something like Happy Holidays, Seasons Greetings, or some other vapid little salutation... But I'm not. While I seriously doubt that this was the day a certain Nazarene made a mess out of some stable in Bethlehem, I do believe there was someone in that manger and the message attributed to him is one that we should all remember when the stress, loneliness, and frustrations of the season start to get to us and we don't really treat our fellow man with the care and respect we should... And if the carrot of a world improved by our forgiving treatment of each other, remember the stick... wasn't it the Christians who conquered most of the world and converted most of what was left? Who in their right mind would give short shrift to an organization like that? Peace to you all.


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