Satire, it's the new black.

Wednesday, March 26, 2003

Alex, that's my two year old boy, asked me to turn off the radio on the way to school yesterday. "OK", I said. (I love talking to The Boy in the car - other people think I'm crazy until they see the car seat) He says "I want to sing you a song"...

Well, if you've ever been with my daughter, you'll know where he got that from - The Girl just doesn't shut up... ever. She can sing for two hours straight and will expect you to listen to every word. It gets pretty old after awhile.

So, here I am in the car with The Boy and he sings the softest, least annunciated version of the A,B,C's... it was perfect. Every single letter was there and he even trailed off the "...won't you come and play with me". I looked at him through the rear view mirror and he gave me that big smile of his and said "again... you sing it with me".

Ya' know, I really like talking to my kids in the car because some days I don't get much better than that... and that singing will only really get old if they stop singing to me.


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