Satire, it's the new black.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Spam is really getting out of control.

I just deleted a spam comment from my blog. This isn't big news, there are a lot of spammers and blogs are a place where eyeballs congregate, but why my blog? I have exactly, um, let me count... yes, 0, a big fat zero -- no readers. Hell, I barely even read this. I feel a little bad for the spammer that pulled the short straw and had to hit me. Tomorrow, when he is fired for not getting any response from his "online marketing program", he'll be robbing a bum.


Blogger Greg said...

I was just telling Greg about this; I read an article about it. They don't care how many readers you have. A robot hits ALL blogs that it can find and places comments with links, because that will jack up the site in question (poker, etc) in the search engine listings. Interesting, no?

7:11 AM

Blogger Patricia Elizabeth Arriaza said...

that's the great thing about spam (see, and here you thought there was nothing good about spam): it's the great equalizer. they don't care if you have readers or lots of content. as long as they can find an open door, they're coming in. like party crashers, but with no beer.

6:19 AM

Blogger John said...

yes, no beer. and dirty shoes.

8:41 PM


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