Satire, it's the new black.

Saturday, November 29, 2003

I love vacation... up until recently it hasn't been a big deal for me but now I'm hooked... in the last three months I've been to Vegas, Sonoma, Maui, Palm Springs, and I have one more before the year is out... this is getting to be dangerous. Not only am I getting fat, I think I forgot how to work...

Aloha Golf
I've combined two great things into one... golf and the Aloha Spirit that I cought while on vacation in Maui last month... I can't explain it to anyone who doesn't golf or hasn't been to Hawaii (or another Pacific Island)... but if you have, and you do, it's self evident.

Go, Speed, Go!
I just got back from a week in Palm Springs and had a little drive home through "The Southland" on "The 101" (yes, I was raised in So Cal and all roads are preceded with "the")... it was a crazy drive... I had to pretend I was Steve McQueen in Le Mans just to get through it... I often pretend I'm Steve McQueen... that's a different story.

Tuesday, November 18, 2003

I'm back

I’m back
Yes, I was oppressed by the weight of the blog - the constant pulling at the core of my on-line being every time I simply wanted to check out the going rate for a vintage shirt on ebay... but time has cleansed me and I'm back. The furtive glimpses into my rapidly darkening soul will be revealed again and again as you return.