Satire, it's the new black.

Sunday, August 28, 2005


The wife and I went out on a date last night. It started out as a nice idea, dinner and a movie without the kids. Pretty much the standard night out for a couple of old married folks.

The Pleasant Hill theaters is perfect for us, it is a nice new theater, has a good restaurant across the street. BTW, try Left Bank. And, most importantly, it is very close to my mother-in-law's house. In case we need to make a mad dash to a child-based emergency, we are only 5 minutes away.

This time out we found out that they had put up a Fat Burger between the theater and Left Bank. Now, truth be told, the French have proven almost useless... I say almost because the Frog Bastards still have all that "culture" shit. You know, the food, wine and clothes... Shit like that. True, all three are fairly "chick getting" based endeavors, but if you gotta pick one thing to make a stand on, it might as well be that, and God and NATO knows they haven't made a stand on anything else recently. Anyway, I digress... If you haven't had a FatBurger, you need to try one. They are very good... Especially when decked out as a Double King Burger with Cheese and Bacon... Yes. Dear Lord, when they go for the roto-rooter job in my chest, the extra 20 minutes of scraping will be for the double bacon cheese burger. And, it will have been worth it. I do feel guilty, not because of the burger (I'm only a Man, and a relatively weak one at that), because of the Chili-Fries. They are so far away from healthy, they don't even appear on the Department of Agriculture food pyramid. They do show up on the DEA site right between Heroin and Morphine. Long story short, I ate all the fries then sat through a very funny movie while the sweet, sweet poison coursed through my arteries. Now, a day later, I ask myself... who would be so cruel as to put another fine burger place so near me? Who?!? Could it be... Satan?

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Spam is really getting out of control.

I just deleted a spam comment from my blog. This isn't big news, there are a lot of spammers and blogs are a place where eyeballs congregate, but why my blog? I have exactly, um, let me count... yes, 0, a big fat zero -- no readers. Hell, I barely even read this. I feel a little bad for the spammer that pulled the short straw and had to hit me. Tomorrow, when he is fired for not getting any response from his "online marketing program", he'll be robbing a bum.

Dead, dead, dead.

My laptop is dead. It was made in 2001, there is no surprise that it died, and luckily, the data has been saved. Now I must shop for a new one or see if this one can be repaired. What a pain in the ass.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

I rock

All the stuff on the list this weekend (including the dump run) has been finished. And, I still had time to go out and get drunk with the Wife and some friends last night. I'm especially happy that when cleaning out my closet I found my portable DVD burner -- all that "extra stuff" off my work computer can finally be taken care of. Tomorrow, maybe a trip to the DMV to register the motorcycle...

Friday, August 12, 2005

The Wave

Recently I traded my BMW M3 convertible in for a 4 door sedan... A nice "dad car," but a "dad car" nonetheless. While I'll miss the M3 there was always something wrong with it. I'm not talking about all the service calls, those are expected with a high strung beauty like that. The car was missing a critical component of all enthusiast cars; the wave.

This led me to think that all the really fun vehicles have a wave and that while the M3 may have been cool, it wasn't a fun car and ultimately had to go.

The motocycle wave is a two finger "peace sign"

The Miata wave is an actual wave (Miata drivers are pretty happy folk)

The Jeep wave is a raised hand that doesn't move.

It comes down to this -- all my cars should come with a wave. Driving should be fun and it's just not worth it to drive a car that will simply get you somewhere.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

I thought you were dead...

i kind of gave up on the blogging thing. It's something that my friends are much better at than I am, so I assumed that I pretty much sucked at it and probably should quit and save the world a little extra white noise. Also, I'm not that interesting... So, what changed? Someone quoted me. This would have gone completely unnoticed, except my sister (who clearly has too much time on her hands) googled me. Then she told my mom.

Now, they are going to think I have a sensitive side... this is something I cannot let lie. I must re-establish my previous identity. The best way to do that is to pound out little observations about my world and tint them with a sarcastic hue -- never once letting it be questioned that there are many people out there that are really dumb. Also, I'll constantly point out that "my kids are indeed better than your kids... and, actually, better than you too." Yes, I'll be in the blogging world once more. It's good to be back.