It’s our turn in the barrel
John Stamos is pitching a phone service while Tears for Fears is playing in the background. In another ad, ALF is pushing long distance for a buck.
Advertisers hit two main demographics: people wealthy enough to buy what they sell or the easy mark – young people.
So why the 80’s trivia into advertising? Bad news cheese, we’ve gotten to the point where we should have “figured it out”. There was a slice of time when you were pretty much off the radar. Well buddy, them days is over.
Living over our heads with no visible means of support (other than fully laden credit cards) with cinder block furniture and an empty fridge should have morphed into a responsible job, the desire for a really comfortable chair to watch the big TV with the sound system.
You’re expected to be successful now and you’re back in the sights of the evil ad geniuses. It doesn’t matter if you aren’t ready yet, they are coming for you. ALF and John Stamos are only the entry wound.
So, how are you doing? Are you ready to be the target of an Oldsmobile ad? How about an ad for medication? Your very own acre in California Pines? It’s a long slow slide and Madison Avenue is ready to grease the skids all the way. Get smart, skip it all.
Invest wisely in diamonds and retire wealthy.
Yeah, right.